CFD analysis of the Ferrari 348 GTC intake system
intake system, CFD analysis, internal combustion engine, modeling, flow, AnsysAbstract
The article presents CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis of the intake system of a Ferrari 348 GTC sports car. With this system, an adequate amount of air is supplied relative to the current demand for fuel combustion. The air demand of a given engine was deter-mined, then analyzes were carried out. The article contains an analysis of the velocity distribution: total velocities, angular velocities and static pressure distribution. In addition, local velocity and flow in the filtration chamber were determined along with the flow directions and returns as well as power lines. The cycle impact on the temperature, locations of the highest speed drop, increase in turbulence, the largest pressure differences, and modulus of elasticity were determined. This information allows to assess whether there are no unwanted phenomena occurring in the system, such as flow disturbances. The Ansys Fluent software was used for analysis.
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