The essence and importance of clusters in the management of transport companies


  • Stanisław Gemra The State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław



clusters, cluster management, transport companies


The aim of the paper is to show the structure of the cluster, the assumptions embedded in the concept car transport companies and to present their own research in the field of express willingness to join the cluster and create a new cluster of passenger transport by Automotive Communications Enterprise. Based on the results presented in the article surveys, it should be noted that the car transport companies show a high level of interest in cooperation with other actors in the sector in the form of the cluster.


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How to Cite

Gemra, S. (2017). The essence and importance of clusters in the management of transport companies. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 18(11), 30–33.


