Asbestos in automotive waste. Contemporary recycling methods of waste from automotive industry


  • Marta Wójcik Rzeszow University of Technology



asbestos, recycling, automotive industry, waste, ecology, ecological safety


Increasing requirements concerning the environmental protection and waste management result in the development both new and effective recycling methods of various fractions of waste. From the technical and natural sciences point of view, the utilization of hazardous waste is essential. The inappropriate utilization of hazardous waste causes the environmental degradation. Particularly harmful waste is asbestos using not so long ago in many sectors of economy, including automotive industry. Despite of the ban of production and exploitation of asbestos, waste containing asbestos minerals are still in the environment.

The necessity of the utilization of asbestos waste leads to the development of high-efficiency recycling methods with the application of different technologies. This paper shows the current state of knowledge concerning the asbestos waste with particular reference to the automotive industry. The recycling methods of asbestos used both in laboratory and industrial scale are also presented.


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How to Cite

Wójcik, M. (2018). Asbestos in automotive waste. Contemporary recycling methods of waste from automotive industry. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(4), 27–32.


