Simultaneous maneuver of changing driving direction and overtaking as a threat to road traffic safety


  • Rafał Wrona Lublin University of Technology



road traffic safety, change of driving direction, turn of vehicle, road maneuver, overtaking maneuver, traffic accidents


The article concerns the matter of road traffic safety and threats caused by simultaneous overtaking and turning left by drivers who overtake or are taken over. Legal regulations were indicated, concerning drivers. On specific examples of road accidents we analyzed the course of events and their causes. The publication especially undertakes the problem of the difficulties in indicating the culprit of accident and giving opinions about the causes of such kinds of road events. The tragic results of the analyzed events create the tendency to taking up this problem and suggest the need for possible change of regulations or principles of training drivers, which was expressed in final conclusions of the article.


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How to Cite

Wrona, R. (2018). Simultaneous maneuver of changing driving direction and overtaking as a threat to road traffic safety. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(6), 283–286.


