The influence of exhaust system leak on the operating parameters of a turbocharged spark ignition engine


  • Krystian Hennek Opole University of Technology
  • Mariusz Graba Opole University of Technology



combustion engine, turbocharging, car exhaust system, leakage, exhaust emission, exhaust emission testing


Turbocharging of an internal combustion engine is the most common technique to improve an engines? performance. In present it is not hard to meet vehicles on the road with turbocharged SI engines, which have a high mileage, and because of this fact there is a high risk of exhaust systems leak. This might have its influence not only on the emissions, but also on the vehicles performance. Thereby this dissertation shows the comparative analysis of the influence of exhaust system leak in the catalyzer input on the exhaust gasses composition in the catalyzer output and the operation parameters of an turbocharged SI engine. During the research some parameters were recorded and compared, e. g.: the engines power and torque, the injec-tors opening time, the oxygen sensors voltage signals in the input and in the output of the catalyzer, the concentration of harmful gasses in the exhaust tailpipe. The research was conducted with the use of a single roller MAHA MSR 500 chassis dynamometer. A series of torque measurements was performed. Under these measurements a simulation of the exhaust system leakage of a turbocharged SI passenger car engine was made. As a result three variations of the wideband oxygen sensor acting were reached. The wideband sensor is mounted between the turbocharger unit and the input of the catalyzer. In the test the influence of the leakage on the injector?s opening time and the composition of harmful exhaust substances were pointed.


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How to Cite

Hennek, K., & Graba, M. (2018). The influence of exhaust system leak on the operating parameters of a turbocharged spark ignition engine. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(6), 468–472.


