Macroscopic model for honing motor cylinders exhaust as a tool optimizing height smooth gasket in repair technology


  • Jacek Michalski Rzeszow University of Technology
  • Jacek Domański Rzeszow University of Technology



smoothing, holes finishing, honing, stone honing, mathematical model, process parameters, sleeve, cylinder, engine, repair technology


The paper presents the assumptions of the macroscopic mathematical model of honing, taking into account both the kinematics of the tool and the characteristic for this process the distribution of unit pressures occurring in the interaction of sharpening stones on the surface of the honing stones on the surface of the workpiece are characteristic for this process. On the basis of these assemblies an active and tested computer program has been developed, which numerically model this technological process. In the computer memory are created digital quality maps of the surface of the machined cylinder. On the basis of the described assemblies, a working and tested computer program has been developed that numerically models this technological process. Digital quality maps are created in the computer's memory regarding the surface of both the cylinder and the smoothing stones. These maps can be assessed analytically as well as subjected to visualization. The article presents the results of calculations that optimize the height of smooth ground for the process of honing a specific cylinder liner with the analysis of the results ob-tained. The described computer program saves time and funds during dedicated research that optimizes the pa-rameters of this process


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How to Cite

Macroscopic model for honing motor cylinders exhaust as a tool optimizing height smooth gasket in repair technology. (2018). AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(6), 600-608.