An electric bike as the future of eco-transport


  • Ewa Wasik Polish Naval Academy
  • Piotr Czech Silesian University of Technology
  • Tomasz Figlus Silesian University of Technology
  • Katarzyna Turoń Silesian University of Technology
  • Robert Kałuża Silesian University of Technology



electric bike,, eco-transport,, bike


Electric bicycles are becoming more and more popular in Poland. They are a source of recreation and physical activity for people with cardiovascular or motor system diseases. The construction of these vehicles does not differ significantly from the ordinary bicycle, it is distinguished only by the engine and the battery, which help in the process of propulsion. The article describes the current state of development of electric bicycles in the aspect of their use as future-oriented ecological means of transport.


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How to Cite

An electric bike as the future of eco-transport. (2018). AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(6), 771-779.

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