Methodology for planning a successful store flyer campaign based on a case study from a Czech retail market


  • Vladimíra Kučerová Brno University of Technology
  • Jaroslav Zeman Brno University of Technology



store flyer, price elasticity of demand, grocery, retail, flyer campaign goals


Research background: An essential part of marketing practice in contemporary food retail is the store flyer campaign, in which goods are offered at discounted prices. Even if it is not a new innovation in the field of sales promotion, its popularity does not decrease, and what?s more, in many countries it is still one of the most successful forms of promotion and communication with customers.

Purpose of the article: This article brings an answer to the question of how to plan a successful store flyer campaign. The goal is to design the process of planning such campaign based on the knowledge of price elasticity of demand. The rate of success is represented by the level of fulfillment of goals set by the merchant.

Methods: The area of the research is the Czech retail food market . The knowledge of the price elasticity of demand is based on the analysis of real terms of prices, sales volumes and margins, and the typology of goals we want to achieve. The proposed method of planning determines the evaluation rules for products in terms of their suitability for inclusion in a store flyer. The calculated values of price elasticity of demand and their changes during the time phases of the campaign are used as a knowledge base for a planning of consumers? responses to the store flyer. The principle of planning is demonstrated in a case study.

Findings & Value added:  The practical output of the proposed process is the answer to the question of which goods should be included in the store flayer to achieve the goals set for the campaign. This study gives the method of identifying the groups of products which are suitable for inclusion in the store flyer and recommends the rules for the planning of the campaign.


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How to Cite

Kučerová, V., & Zeman, J. (2018). Methodology for planning a successful store flyer campaign based on a case study from a Czech retail market. Oeconomia Copernicana, 9(4), 755-779.

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