Influence of the chassis dynamometer regulation on the exhaust emission results


  • Andrzej Szczotka BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd
  • Bartosz Puchałka BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd
  • Piotr Bielaczyc BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd
  • Borys Adamiak BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute Ltd



chassis dynamometer, exhaust emissions, combustion engines


Exhaust emission measurements on the chassis dynamometer are one of the most important and most complex tests which are per-formed on vehicles powered by combustion engines. Many factors must be under control during exhaust emission measurements, which have an influence on correctness of the obtained results. In this paper, the impact of the chassis dynamometer regulation on the exhaust emission results is analysed.


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How to Cite

Influence of the chassis dynamometer regulation on the exhaust emission results. (2019). AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 24(6), 280-285.