Influence of the dilution factor on the uncertainty of the exhaust gas emission results obtained during testing on the chassis dynamometer


  • Andrzej Szczotka BOSMAL
  • Bartosz Puchałka BOSMAL
  • Piotr Bielaczyc BOSMAL
  • Borys Adamiak BOSMAL



influence,, dilution factor, exhaust gas, emission


Exhaust emission measurements on the chassis dynamometer are one of the most important and most complex tests which are performed on vehicles powered by combustion engines. The sample and dilution system (CVS - Constant Volume Sampling) belongs to the most important parts of the exhaust emission laboratory, and has a large impact on the accuracy of the results obtained. In this paper, the influence of the dilution factor (i.e. parameter changed by means of the CVS system, depending on the emission level and engine displacement of the test vehicle) on the uncertainty of the exhaust gas emission results is analysed.


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Materiały firmy AVL

Materiały własne Instytutu Badań i Rozwoju Motoryzacji BOSMAL.

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How to Cite

Influence of the dilution factor on the uncertainty of the exhaust gas emission results obtained during testing on the chassis dynamometer. (2018). AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 19(6), 737-742.