Dynamic Passenger Information System in public transport: analysis of utility and passengers? satisfaction on the example of KZK GOP
intelligent transport system, transport policy, information system, public transportAbstract
This article presents topic of Dynamic Passenger Information Systems which are more and more often used in the public transport. It focuses on analysis of utility and passengers? satisfaction of this type of system. In the first chapter there are information about DPI system that is used by one of the larger organizer of public transport ? KZK GOP (Komunikacyjny Związek Komunalny Górnośląskiego Okręgu Przemysłowego). In next part of article there is online research results made by author in March ? April 2017 among the passengers of KZK GOP. Research goal was knowing the utility and passengers? satisfaction of DPI system KZK GOP. There took part 635 people in research. Respondents judged the performance quality of DPI system KZK GOP as sufficient (average rating: 3,18 on scale from 1 to 5 where 5 was the highest rate). Analysis of this research summary will let to more detailed knowing passengers? opinion for DPI system KZK GOP and will let to suggest the actions which goal will be improvement this system.
http://sdip.kzkgop.pl/ (dostęp: 04.05.2017 r.).
http://www.kzkgop.com.pl (dostęp: 04.05.2017 r.).
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