Laser hardening of tools with the use of the beam
laser hardening of tools, surface remelting, allocatorAbstract
The main problem occurring during the laser hardening of tools is the lack of continuity and diversity of surface layer properties as a result of the use of many parallel hardening paths. As a consequence, there may be a forgiven or under-hardened area between successive paths. The paper presents the original method of laser hardening of tools, especially bending, using a laser beam splitter. Such a hardening method enables simultaneous heating and tempering of the tool corner and the surfaces adjoining it at the desired width in one pass with the same parameters. As a consequence, the hardened layer is uniform on the surface of the corner and adjacent surfaces, i.e. without forgiven or unhardened areas. The use of this method requires equipping the hardening laser head with a divider, whose task is to distribute the laser beam to separate parts of the beam with adjustable width by means of appropriately placed mirrors. The new method of hardening not only eliminates the problem of so-called hardening marks created as a result of laser hardening, which directly affects the quality, durability and durability of the tool, but is also much more efficient and also beneficial for economic reasons.
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