Prospects for the Future Growth of the NewConnect Stock Market


  • Stanisław Kaszuba Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



alternative stock market, sustainable growth, innovative undertaking, joint venture, private equity


NewConnect market was created to aim small and medium companies in gaining the capital for their growth and development. It was created especially for companies with innovative type of production, services or trade. It attracts companies with low costs and less restrictive procedures than the main stock market. NewConnect market build possibilities for small companies to gain the stock capital. The companies listed in NewConnect market concentrates over new, innovative technologies, especially in IT sector. Its operational first year gave him the first place in amount of debuts and is one of the fastest growing market in the Europe. After two years of its existence Polish alternative stock market is beginning to start the second phase of growth. The article show the comparison of NewConnect with international alternative stock exchanges. The article determines NewConnect position among other European alternative investment markets. It briefly explains the perspectives of further growth and answers the question why it will be very difficult for the market to become an international one.


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Financial Markets of Central Europe

How to Cite

Kaszuba, S. (2010). Prospects for the Future Growth of the NewConnect Stock Market. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 5(2), 117-126.

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