All the articles submitted to us are verified by the Editorial Board and after preliminary qualification (first stage of the evaluation process) shall be forwarded for anonymous evaluation by at least three independent reviewers (second stage of the evaluation process).
Downloads Section
Article submission card with copyrights declaration
Article information and author’s biography form
Article statistical evaluation form
The editorial board encourages the authors to read instruction for authors before submission.
1. Originality, anti-ghostwriting procedure and plagiarism detection policy: The editorial board of the journal Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy implements anti-ghostwriting procedure and strict plagiarism detection policy. The journal content is indexed in Similarity Check, the CrossRef initiative to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism, and ensure originality of the articles accepted for publication. The content publicly available on the Internet (including not reviewed material such as working papers) is not accepted for processing.
Anti ghostwriting procedure: the editors consider the "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" as a sign of very serious scientific misconduct. All the detected cases of the ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" will be exposed, including notification of relevant institutions. As a result, the publisher of the journal has introduced procedures to address the phenomena of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship". All the authors must fulfill and sign the declaration concerning "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship".
We have a situation of the "ghostwriting" if someone has made a substantial contribution to a given publication, without disclosing his/her participation as one of the authors and without mentioning his/her role in the acknowledgments of the publication. We have a situation of the "guest authorship" ("honorary authorship"), if the contribution of a given author is minimal or does not have a place, and in spite of this he/she is the author or co-author of a given publication.
2. The language quality and formal standards: in Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, only articles in English are published. Only the articles with a high quality of English language will be qualified for reviewing and final publication process. As a result, the authors whose articles are evaluated by the reviewers as lower than very good (see the evaluation form in download section), during resubmission of the corrected papers are required to provide confirmation of the proofreading service, which is issued by professional proofreading service provider. We stress that in the case of unacceptable language quality of the resubmitted version of the paper, it will be finally rejected by the language editor and will not be provided to subject and statistical editors for final merit evaluation. In the case of proofreading standards, the editorial board especially encourages the authors to take advantage of the international proofreading services provided by such institutions as Elsevier (see Elsevier Language Editing Services), or other international, or national proofreading service provider, which can guarantee high quality.
Only the works published for the first time appear in our journal.The similarity index for every article is verified twice (after submission and before final publication acceptance) with application of Similarity Check, the CrossRef initiative to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism.
There is not set maximum limit of the length for the article. However, the benchmark Article Publication Charges (listed below) are applied for the articles with the maximum lengths of 35 thousand characters with spaces. If the article is longer than 35 thousand characters, the author is charged proportional additional publication fee.
Title references to any material that has been provided by a previous authors, or been published in another source should be set in harmonization with APA styles (American Psychological Association 6th edition). The article must fulfill all the formatting and editorial criteria that are available in the formatting template in download section. The articles should be prepared in the formatting template.
3. The suggested scheme of article and methodological requirements: body of the paper consisting of part corresponding with steps of realization of aims of the paper should be divided into following sections: Introduction / Literature review / Research methods / Results / Discussions / Conclusions. The detailed requirements are available the formatting template in download section.
Specific methodological requirements for research papers:
The papers submitted to Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy should contain results of empirical research and are strictly evaluated in regard to their methodological rigor. The article must provide detailed information on the applied methods. The required information:
a) dates of research (field work) or time period of the analyzed data;
b) data sources used and the empirical research;
c) description of the data collection methods and source of the data (e.g., national/international official statistics, surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, content analysis etc.);
d) in the case of presentation of survey results: the research instrument (questionnaire) should be available in the annex, structure of the population, type of the sample, its size and information about its adjustments, as well as sampling error; type of the questions (e.g., open, closed, semi-closed, etc.); authors of methodological tools;
e) description of the methods of data analysis (e.g., also in the case of basic statistical methods such as estimating correlation coefficients – their statistical dependencies must be indicated; when using factor analysis – the percentage of explained variance has to be provided);
f) brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of applied methods: testing of methodological tools, difficulties in the implementation of the initial research concept, discovery of the problems with the methodological tools, unpredictable organizational and methodical situations.
g) in the main body of the article the author must directly refer to all tables and figures, for example: “Figure 1 presents the results…”; “The results of the research given in figure 1 indicate…”. When formatting tables one should indicate specific information about the provided data.
The condition for forwarding the text for the reviewing process is an absolute compliance with the editorial requirements. The evaluation form is available for download in the download section.
4. Manuscript submission: Manuscripts should be submitted online. The authors who are not registered at Economic Publishing Platform must register first. The authors who are registered must login to their profile to make the submission.
With the electronic version of the text, all graphs, figures and drawings in editing form with the original files such as Excel, must be submitted.
Submission instruction and formal requirements:
a) The main text must be submitted in the template of the journal in two forms: the first file with names and affiliations of the authors, the second file in an anonymous form for reviewing. The template is available in the download section.
b) The formal condition for starting the evaluation and publication process is submission of a good quality scan of the article submission card in a PDF file. The article submission card is available in the download section. The article submission card contains the statement of transfer of copyrights/related rights.
c) The final condition for starting the evaluation and publication process is submission of an article information and author’s biography form in a WORD file. The form is available in the download section. The form contains required author’s scientific information (academic affiliation, ORCID, academic e-mail, author’s short biography), required information on the article publication charges payer, and if it is possible the proposal of 4 independent reviewers with justification (optional information).
The required documents checklist:
a) article with full information on authors prepared in the template
b) article in the anonymous form for reviewing with deleted all the information that can enable to specify the authorship of the article
c) PDF document containing good quality scan of the submission card with copyrights declaration and confirmation for author's final statements, which have been signed by hand (or which have been signed with formal electronic signature)
d) WODR file with an article information and author’s biography form
The Editorial Baard and Publisher of the journal have implemented the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards. Details are available in Publication Ethics and Malpractice section. In accordance with the Law of Poland on Protection of Personal Data in the case of rejection of the article all the submitted documents in electronic version will be deleted from the publication system, hardcopy documents will be removed from the publisher’s documentation and destroyed.
5. Manuscript processing: the author, after the decision of editorial board (the first stage of evaluation process, which usually takes about two to four weeks: formal criteria, preliminary merit evaluation and compliance with editorial policy and scope of the journal), can be transferred to the reviewing process. The standard reviewing process takes up to three mounts, but sometimes, depending on the specifics of the article, can be longer (the second stage of evaluation process).
After receiving the reviews of the article, the author is obliged to submit the response to the reviews in an electronic form, with the revised text taking into account the suggestions of the reviewers. The response to the reviews card is available in the download section. In the response to the review the author must answer to all the problems and suggestions indicated by the reviewers. The author must indicate all the changes that were made in the final version of the paper with precise location of these changes (number of page and paragraph of the manuscript). The deadline for the implementation of the author's corrections is a maximum of 1 month. When additional time for implementing all required improvements is needed, the editorial board should be informed about it via e-mail.
6. Article Publication Charges: majority of the cost of publication is funded by Article Publication Charges paid by authors or their institutions. Article Publication Charges allow for articles to be made freely available Open Access to all readers. Article Publication Charges are divided into submission fee and publication fee.
Submission fee: non-refundable submission fee, which must be paid after submission. The submission fee covers the costs of the first stage of qualification of the paper: preliminary merit evaluation of the paper by the editors for the reviewing process, technical and editorial verification of the submitted paper, the cost of verification of the paper’s originality within Similarity Check, the CrossRef initiative to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism.
The author receives the pro forma e-invoice, which is issued based on the data provided in the article submission card. The pro forma e-invoice is send within 7 working days. If the author does not receive the pro-forma e-invoice within the pointed time, we ask to verify SPAM mailbox or contact the editorial board of the journal via e-mail. The submission fee is not returned in the case of rejection of the paper.
Publication fee: benchmark publication fee (the benchmark lengths of the article up to 35 thousand characters). The publication fee has to be paid after the submitted paper is reviewed and accepted for publishing. The author receives an e-invoice, which is issued based on the data provided in the article submission card.
Article Publication Charges for articles longer than benchmark: if the article is longer than 35 thousand characters, the author is charged with publication fee, which is proportional to the additional length of the article over 35 thousand characters related to Article Publication Charges for benchmark length article. To calculate the publication fee for longer articles divide Article Publication Charges (submission fee plus publication fee) for the benchmark article by 35 000 characters and multiply by the number of characters of a paper accepted for publication.
Article Publication Charges for authors with Polish affiliation:
Submission fee: 200 PLN
Open access publication fee: 3300 PLN
Article Publication Charges for authors with non-Polish affiliation:
Submission fee: 20 EURO
Open access publication fee: 380 EURO
Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0)
The journal offers access to the contents in the open access system on the principles of non-exclusive license Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0).
p-ISSN 1689-765X; e-ISSN 2353-3293; DOI: 10.24136
© Copyright Instytut Badań Gospodarczych / Institute of Economic Research (Poland)