The role of the Single Euro Payments Area for the potential single European market


  • Anna Pyka Bielsko-Biała School of Finances and Law



The creation of Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is the next stage of economic integration of Europe connected with clearings and payments area. The idea behind the activities within SEPA programme is the introduction of mechanisms for effective Euro payments in Europe and treatment of this area as a single market with all the consequences to do with the time of transaction and charges occurring. According to SEPA, different local solutions will be replaced by a common payment system and unified standards regulated by homogenous consumer law. This in turn shall bring in the following effects: easy, fast, safe and cheap payments for the whole European market. This article shows the conditions of implementation of SEPA programme and the consequences stemming from the single payments area.


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Official EPC Document, How to get your company ready for SEPA. Information for business, European Payments Council AISBL, Brussels 2008 (EPC 215-08).
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How to Cite

Pyka, A. (2009). The role of the Single Euro Payments Area for the potential single European market. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 3(2), 67–75.



Monetary policy under European Union monetary integration