Territorial marketing ? thoughts and acts of local authorities


  • Anna Knapik Czestochowa University of Technology




Territorial marketing is a marketing orientation created on the basis of other trade kinds of marketing, i.e. industrial marketing, service marketing and social marketing. The idea of territorial marketing assumes that local authorities direct their activities to specific target groups in order to satisfy their needs and ensure that they are provided with the most comfortable environment to live and run a business. Whilst creating a particular policy, local authorities take into consideration the creation of favorable living and working conditions, especially for inhabitants, investors, and tourists. It becomes more and more common that a territorial unit is perceived as a ?company?, which has to be managed properly and requires right communication with its stakeholders and good relations with the media. On the basis of the analyses presented in the paper, it is assumed that territorial marketing, although it?s a relatively new marketing trend, is going to grow in importance as it enables territorial units to work and develop efficiently.


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How to Cite

Knapik, A. (2009). Territorial marketing ? thoughts and acts of local authorities. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 3(2), 167-177. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL.2009.029