Enterprise in the Country Areas of Lower Silesiain the Condition of Market Competition


  • Irena Kropsz Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences




The aim behind the search of the new possibilities of development of enterprise is to match the market competition and lead an effective promotion of products. The essential condition is also a profound knowledge of the market on which a particular company operates. The study relates to the analyses of 200 companies working in the country areas of the Lower Silesian province. The subject matter of the analyses concerned the ways of competing and the form of promotion; additionally, the researchers identified the kind of the market on which activities are lead, and their main recipients; moreover, the competition of different firms was estimated and the classification of barriers of enterprise development in Lower Silesia was carried out.


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Entrepreneurship as a determinant of economic development

How to Cite

Kropsz, I. (2009). Enterprise in the Country Areas of Lower Silesiain the Condition of Market Competition. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 2(1), 83-92. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL.2009.008