Elements of partnership marketing in tourist services in modern management of tourist company


  • Sławomir Kowalski Czestochowa University of Technology
  • Izabella Sowier-Kasprzyk Czestochowa University of Technology




The following paper presents the model of the partnership marketing in tourist services. In the first part the theoretical basis knowledge (the elements and results) about partnership marketing have been presented. Apart from that the theory of strategic learning of that form of marketing and the essence of the loyalty programmes have been showed. The second part has been devoted to the tourist services and their specialty. In the third part the model of the partnership marketing in tourism itself is presented. The model consists of the interactions between the tourism company and the closer and further environment. The main elements of the interaction system within the partnership marketing are the integrated elements of marketing which are communicated with the use of media to the receivers (customers). In the partnership marketing, in the contrary to the traditional marketing, there is the use of the database which is the basis for the building of the loyalty programmes. The paper is concluded in refer to the tourist companies as far as the use of marketing instruments connected with implementing partnership marketing in the tourist company is concerned.


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How to Cite

Kowalski, S., & Sowier-Kasprzyk, I. (2009). Elements of partnership marketing in tourist services in modern management of tourist company. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 2(1), 105–113. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL.2009.010



Contemporary marketing