The issue and importance of credit risk management exemplfied by the collapse of American mortgage credit market


  • Karolina Przenajkowska Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



The risk is connected to all types of economic activities. It is especially important for the functioning of banks, which are institutions based on society trust. The most common risk banks face is the credit risk. The first part of the paper refers to the reasons, classification and consequences of its appearance. Serious negative effects of credit risk existence force banks to design a program of managing this type of risk. The credit risk management is founded on the basis of the credit policy established separately in every bank. This policy requires choosing the policy towards the risk. Generally, there are three such policies or strategies: conservative, offensive and controlled growth. The process of credit risk management in the paper is presented as a division on five elements (risk: identification, assessment, steering, control, financing and administrating). Those issues are particularly important with the international financial crisis observed since August 2007. The origin of the crisis is linked to the collapse of the American mortgage credit market. The analysis of the reasons behind this collapse is described in the last part of the paper. It shows the points where the most basic rules of the credit risk management were ignored and leaves the question of the conclusions for the banks all over the world.


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Risk management

How to Cite

Przenajkowska, K. (2008). The issue and importance of credit risk management exemplfied by the collapse of American mortgage credit market. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 1(1-2), 113-126.