Economic dimension of Polish energy security


  • Anna Czech University of Economics in Katowice



beta convergence modelling, spatial econometrics, R&D indicators, R&D spillovers effects


Research background: Stable and reliable access to a variety of energy carriers is undoubtedly a basis for the development of any economy. Therefore, the primary condition for the security of the state and its citizens is to ensure the essential minimum of energy on its territory. We can observe, however, an increasing dependence of the Polish energy sector on external sources.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to examine and evaluate the economic aspects of the Polish energy security considering the fact of growing de-pendency on foreign supplies of energy carriers.

Methods: In this paper we analyze the Polish energy security using several indicators: fuel/price efficiency ratio, energy intensity of the economy and Herfindahl-Hirschman rate of market concentration. For calculations we use statistical data provided by Energy Market Agency publications, including ?Energy Situation in Poland? covering the years of 2000? 2015.

Findings & value added: On the one hand, the Polish energy security depends on its internal conditions and resources - in this context, the available resources of coal and lignite play an extremely positive role because they provide access to a reliable source of energy. On the other hand, Poland is becoming dependent on external commitments that restrict the free use of domestic resources, thus lowering the energy security of the country, speaking in particular of oil and natural gas resources. The analysis carried out in this paper will allow to evaluate the effectiveness of using various energy carriers with respect to their price, market structure and geopolitical conditions.


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How to Cite

Czech, A. (2017). Economic dimension of Polish energy security. Oeconomia Copernicana, 8(3), 383?399.

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