Model of Evaluation of the Management Effectiveness of State Corporate Rights of Industrial Enterprises in Ukraine


  • Leonid Galchinsky National Technical University of Ukraine



evaluation of enterprises, efficiency of management, integral performance criteria, ordinal regression


This paper proposes a method for increasing the efficiency of state corporate rights management of industrial enterprises by clarifying the evaluation of the efficiency of their management. This method is a model of comprehensive evaluation of enterprises on the basis of data that resulted in the reporting documents. Three groups of indicators were adopted and included: commercial, non-commercial and managing criteria. Integral performance criterion is the weighted sum of those three groups. Model performance evaluation was built using ordinal regression. Based on this model estimate the efficiency of state corporate rights management of industrial enterprises was obtained more accurately, providing a wide range of estimates.


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How to Cite

Galchinsky, L. (2014). Model of Evaluation of the Management Effectiveness of State Corporate Rights of Industrial Enterprises in Ukraine. Oeconomia Copernicana, 5(4), 75-94.

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