Simplifications in Establishing and Running a Business in Poland ? Critical Analysis of Regulation form 2008-2012
business regulation, establishing a business, amount of initial capita, inspection of a businessAbstract
The aim of this article is an analysis of legislation in the years 2008- 2012 from the perspective of its impact on the process of starting and running a business and attempt to answer the question whether the measures taken in recent years, actually improve market processes. Critically analyzed were those regulations, which general idea was to reduce barriers in opening and conducting business. The changes in the Code of Commercial Companies, consisting of a reduction in capital requirements for the creation of limited liability companies and equity were presented. Analyzed were also an amendment to the Act on freedom of economic activity, the aim of which was to implement the postulate of "zero window" when setting up the business of individuals and to reduce nuisance of businesses control. Despite the general trend persisting for several years towards the removal of barriers to setting up and running a business by further legislative efforts in this area are not sufficient, and Polish law still creates a number of obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship.
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