Factors affecting the business environment of SMEs in Nitra region in Slovakia


  • Enikő Korcsmáros J. Selye University
  • Monika Šimova J. Selye University




business environment, factors affecting businesses, SMEs, Nitra Region, Slovakia


Research background: Businesses are directly affected by the outside world, i.e. the business environment. Literature review lists a number of factors of the business environment affecting businesses. These factors may be oriented towards inputs, outputs, sales, or can be an instrument of regional policy. With regard to future development of businesses, it is crucial to identify which factor and to what extent can influence the operation of the business.

Purpose of the article: The main objective of the primary research was to provide a comprehensive assessment of how different factors influence enterprises of different economic sectors as well as help to verify the research question defined and formulate recommendations for future development of enterprises. The questionnaire survey to verify the research question was conducted on a sample of 496 small and medium-sized enterprises.

Methods: We chose quantitative method of ANOVA for processing the results of the survey, and we also set the limit of significant impact of different influence factors on the basis of analysed data of primary research, and the limit of significant impact. Based on literature study, we have grouped individual factors such as factors focused on inputs, on outputs, on sales, and instruments of regional policy. Based on those findings we can identify the impact of factors for the future development of SMEs in different economic sectors.

Findings & Value added: SMEs of Nitra Region involved in the research represent different economic sectors and various factors influence them with different intensity, for future development of these SMEs it is necessary to reduce the transport cost of raw material and goods, improve the attitude of employees to work, and the technical level of equipment to improve the economic situation of the region. The mentioned findings are important for formulating the future regional development plan.


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How to Cite

Korcsmáros, E., & Šimova, M. (2018). Factors affecting the business environment of SMEs in Nitra region in Slovakia. Oeconomia Copernicana, 9(2), 309-331. https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.2018.016

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