Analysis of the performance of a new type of rotorcraft


  • Tomasz Łusiak Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin
  • Radosław Witczak Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin
  • Arkadiusz Małek University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin



rotorcraft, gyroplane, aircraft equipment, aerodynamic properties


The article analyses the performance of the newly designed rotorcraft. A new concept for the equipment and use of rotorcraft for transport purposes was also presented. The work focuses on the use of gyroplanes for these purposes as a special type of rotorcraft with specific properties. The initial aircraft design developed and described includes structural assumptions, technological solutions, cabin / cargo ergonomics, economy and operational safety. Particular attention has been paid to rotorcraft equipment depending on which version it is to be configured to. The work also includes the design of the initial geometry of the rotorcraft. A solid showing the formulated assumptions that will be used for numerical analysis is presented. On its basis, an approximate analysis was made of the determination of basic performance and mass distribution depending on the equipment version. In addition, the method of numerical analysis of rotorcraft body and its results together with their development is presented. The results of numerical simulation were analyzed and conclusions regarding the correctness of gyroplanes for transport purposes were formulated.


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How to Cite

Analysis of the performance of a new type of rotorcraft. (2019). AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 24(6), 206-211.