Integration in Central European capital markets in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic




COVID-19, capital market, financial integration, portfolio diversification, financial crisis


Research background: Covid-19 pandemic had a strong impact on the economy and capital market. In times of crisis, it is important for investors to be able to diversify their investment portfolio in order to mitigate risk. However, the growing trend towards capital market integration may make it ineffective. Research on financial integration, during the Covid-19 period, has started to develop, mainly in major global capital markets. It is, therefore, important to extend this research to other capital markets.

The purpose of the article: This contribution aims to analyze financial integration in the stock indexes of the capital markets of Austria (ATX), Slovenia (SBITOP), Hungary (BUDAPEST SE), Lithuania (OMX VILNIUS), Poland (WIG), the Czech Republic (PX PRAGUE), Russia (MOEX) and Serbia (BELEX 15), in the context of the global pandemic (COVID-19).

Methods: To measure the unit roots in the time series, we used ADF, PP, and KPSS tests, and Clemente et al. (1998) test to detect structural breaks. To ana-lyse financial integration, we applied the Gregory and Hansen integration test, and to validate the robustness of results, we use the impulse-response function (IRF) methodology, with Monte Carlo simulations, as they provide a dynamic analysis generated from the VAR model estimates.

Findings & Value added: The results suggest very significant levels of integration, which decreases the chances of portfolio diversification in the long-term. Evidence shows 47 pairs of integrated stock market indexes (out of 56 possible). The stock indexes ATX, BUDAPESTE SE, BELEX 15 show financial integration with all other indexes. On the contrary, the index of OMX VILNIUS shows only 3 integrations. Results also show that most of the significant structural breaks occurred in March 2020. The analysis of the relationship between markets, in the short term, shows positive/negative co-movements, with statis-tical significance and with a persistence longer than one week.


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How to Cite

Pardal, P., Dias, R., Šuleř, P., Teixeira, N., & Krulický, T. (2020). Integration in Central European capital markets in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 15(4), 627–650.




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