Development of autopoietic economic structures in the Baltic states: analysis of factors


  • Mangirdas Morkunas Mykolas Romeris University
  • Viktorija Skvarciany Vinius Gediminas Technical University
  • Jelena Titko University of Economics and Culture



autopoiesis, formation of a firm, Baltic states


Research background: Since the introduction of the concept in 1972 Autopoiesis has enjoyed great popularity among academicians representing various fields of science. However, the number of studies devoted to the investigation of factors that have an impact on the formation of autopoietic economic structures is quite limited. This paper addresses the gap in scientific research on autopoiesis of economic structures in small open markets, specifically in the Baltic States.
Purpose of the article: The paper aims to identify and evaluate factors that turn on self-organization mechanisms of autopoietic economic structures in the Baltic States, in particular in Latvia.
Methods: Expert survey was used to identify the most important factors affecting the for-mation of meso-economic entities in the Baltic States. The factors? assessments provided by seven experts were analyzed. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with fuzzy numbers was employed to process the data. Two different scales of evaluation (inverse linear and balanced) were used.
Findings & Value added: The factors influencing the process of formation of business groups were evaluated by experts. Research results allow for making conclusions regarding the causes of the business integration, and impact of diversified integrated business structures on the country's business system in Central Europe.


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How to Cite

Morkunas, M., Skvarciany, V., & Titko, J. (2017). Development of autopoietic economic structures in the Baltic states: analysis of factors. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 12(2), 319-338.

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