Analysis of the current situation in the area of IPO on the Czech capital market


  • Tomas Meluzin Brno University of Technology
  • Michal Pavlicek Brno University of Technology



Initial Public Offering (IPO), financing, Czech Republic


Funding development of the company through the ?Initial Public Offering? has a high representation globally, the Czech Republic unlike, and belongs to traditional methods of raising funds necessary for development of business in the developed capital markets. In the conditions of the Czech capital market it is possible to identify only few companies, who attempted to funding through the IPO way at present. The objective of this paper is to analyze the current situation in the area of IPO on the Czech capital market and identify the causes of the low numbers of IPOs in the Czech Republic. The paper was written with the financial support of the Czech Science Foundation (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic), grant project No. 402/09/P134 ?Decision Model of Company Financing via IPO?.


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Financial Markets of Central Europe

How to Cite

Meluzin, T., & Pavlicek, M. (2010). Analysis of the current situation in the area of IPO on the Czech capital market. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 5(2), 79-91.

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