Overview of the Situation on Photovoltaic Market in Selected Eastern European States after World Crisis in 2011


  • Michal Pavlicek Brno University of Technology




Feed-in tariff, subvention, legislation, photovoltaic


This article researches the situation on the photovoltaic markets in Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. It is focused on market analysis and prediction together with specific conditions on each market. An upward trend on photovoltaic markets is expected due to the favourable conditions given by the national governments and the European Union. However, state legislation harms competitive environment. There are no big differences between customers? preferences in product features.


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How to Cite

Pavlicek, M. (2012). Overview of the Situation on Photovoltaic Market in Selected Eastern European States after World Crisis in 2011. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 7(3), 127-138. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL.2012.023