Crisis at the American sub-prime market ? the evaluation of Poland?s danger


  • Maciej Ryczkowski Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



Since July 2007 the global economy started its slowdown. At the beginning though, it seemed that it will concern mainly United States, because it was the country from where worse and worse information have started coming every day. It was believed of course that the system of combinated blood vessels which is economy would also influence countries which are doing well. However hardy none would presume that the crisis will be so deep and long-term. Nowadays there are more and more countries threatened by the crisis which seem to have no responsibility for the cause of the slowdown. There have begun new economic phenomena, which not all have the idea how to deal with. In this publication there are presented these  new unfavorable phenomena which occurred with the crisis. There is also an international comparison of Poland with other high developed countries according to recent macroeconomic changes. The comparison is the first step to find the answer if Poland is threatened by the crisis too and if we can feel safe in our country.


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Global financial crisis

How to Cite

Ryczkowski, M. (2009). Crisis at the American sub-prime market ? the evaluation of Poland?s danger. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 2(1), 17-27.