The comparative analisys of Polish monetary policy with the monetary rule for the years 1995-2007


  • Maciej Ryczkowski Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun



Poland?s monetary policy and the monetary rule are very similar according to the research and econometrical model. Both strategies result in the same outcomes in many fields. Both  aim to guarantee low inflation and  long-term economic growth. The difference is that in Poland, the control of supply of money is carried out by controlling inflation instead of direct control of monetary aggregates as in monetary rule. Summarazing,  there is no need to separate control of money?s supply in the targeting inflation system, as it is done as a ?side effect?.


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Polish monetary policy

How to Cite

Ryczkowski, M. (2008). The comparative analisys of Polish monetary policy with the monetary rule for the years 1995-2007. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 1(1-2), 9-22.