External linkages and intellectual assets as indicators of firms? innovation activities: results from the Czech Republic and Poland





indicators of firms’ innovation activities, external linkages, intellectual assets, Czech Republic, Poland


Research background: Firms? innovation activities play an important role in fostering firms? competitiveness and enhancing economic growth of regions and countries. Regarding the significance of the issue, it is essential to explore indicators of firms? innovation activities. Here, special attention was given to external linkages and intellectual assets. In the study, particular emphasis was put on firms from the Czech Republic and Poland as the countries distinguished by similar innovation performance.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to explore whether external link-ages and intellectual assets impact on innovation activities of Czech and Polish firms.

Methods: In the study, the Cobb-Douglas function was employed. The study used data from the European Innovation Scoreboard 2018 with regard to firms? innovation activities. In particular, special stress was put on variables related to external linkages and intellectual assets such as: innovative SMEs collaborating with others, private co-funding of public R&D expenditures, PCT patent applications and trademark applications. The time period was 2008?2015.

Findings & Value added: This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing new insight on issues connected with indicators of firms? innovation activities. The results reveal statistical significance of selected variables connected with external linkages and intellectual assets on innovation activities of Czech and Polish firms. These findings have policy and practical implications. There is a need to further stimulate, among others, the linkages between firms and universities, research organisations, institutional environment.


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How to Cite

Zygmunt, A. (2019). External linkages and intellectual assets as indicators of firms? innovation activities: results from the Czech Republic and Poland. Oeconomia Copernicana, 10(2), 291-308. https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.2019.015

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