Innovation activities of Polish firms. Multivariate analysis of the moderate innovator countries
innovation activities, firm, the European Union, moderate innovator countriesAbstract
Research background: The uncertainty in the environment and rapid changes have impact on firms, regions and countries. The necessity to adapt to new conditions requires a stimulation of actions aimed at enhancing competitiveness and economic growth. In this respect, the European Union strategy called Europe 2020 should be mentioned. Regarding the role of firms? innovation activities in economic growth of regions and countries, substantial im-portance was attached to how innovation activities of Polish firms differ from those from the other EU countries with a level of innovation similar to Poland. Here, a particular emphasis was put on Moderate Innovator countries.
Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to investigate Polish firms? innovation activities against those by other Moderate Innovator countries.
Methodology: In the study a multivariate analysis and zero unitarization methods were applied. These methods allowed for a division of Moderate Innovator countries into four groups and for a multivariate analysis of firms? innovation activities in Poland and other EU countries with a level of innovation similar to Poland. The study was based on data from the European Innovation Scoreboard 2016 relating to dimensions of firm activities: firm in-vestments, linkage & entrepreneurship and intellectual assets. The study referred to the period 2008?2015.
Findings & Value added: This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing new insight on understanding the issues related to firms? innovation activities. The analysis has revealed several conclusions. One of them indicated the highest distance of Polish firms to those from the other Moderate Innovator countries, in terms of SMEs innovating in-house, innovative SMEs collaborating with others and public-private co-publications. The findings have practical and policy implications. It is assumed that the obtained results may be useful for firms, regions and countries in adaptation to uncertainty in the environment and, therefore, in maintaining competitive advantage capacity.
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