Composition of equity and mixed pension funds in Slovakia


  • Mario Papik Comenius University in Bratislava



pension funds, equity funds, assets allocation, mixed effect model


Research background: Since January 2013, pension fund management companies have had to establish at least two pension funds, one guaranteed bond fund, and at least one unguaranteed equity fund. This division has brought many changes in portfolios of pension funds in Slovakia. Currently, six pension funds management companies manage six bonds, six equity, five indexed and three mixed funds.
Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to monitor the composition of assets during 2009 and 2014 and describe relation between equity and mixed pension funds? profit and components of assets they own. The results of this research contribute to a better understanding of the importance of certain types of financial assets owned by equity and mixed funds and their impact on pension funds? profit. Last, but not least, this article helps to improve the legislative management of pension funds and their impact on macroeconomic situation in Slovakia, because pension funds are still concentrating higher and higher amount of financial assets from government bonds to companies? stocks.
Methods: This relation will be described by linear mixed-effects model with random effects of years and pension funds management companies. Random effects also help to identify the impact of changes during the period studied, and in case that profit is significantly different across the pension funds management companies.
Findings and Value added: The underlying model data will be chosen from annual balance sheets, income statements and notes of Slovakia-based equity and mixed funds during the period studied.


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How to Cite

Papik, M. (2017). Composition of equity and mixed pension funds in Slovakia. Oeconomia Copernicana, 8(1), 51–64.




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