Excessive Accumulation of Knowledge as a Challenge to Science Policy


  • Małgorzata Wachowska University of Wrocław




excessive accumulation of knowledge, individual innovative productivity, teamwork, science policy


In response to current economic theories, a special emphasis is put on the need for continuous acquisition of knowledge. The stock of knowledge, however, is growing very dynamically, which leads to shifts in the scientific process. There are shifts in individual innovative productivity, which is manifested by the fact that the contribution of young scientists to science is getting smaller and ? as a result of deepening of specialization ? the dominance of teamwork increases. These two fundamental changes taking place in science should imply changes in the approach to science policy. In the face of ?ageing? of innovators, policy makers should put more emphasis on creating incentives for young people to enter scientific careers (higher wages in science, more attractive grants at the peak of scientific career; contrary to popular beliefs, grant systems should not be created specifically for young people). A measure increasing the interest in scientific careers could also be a shortening of education which, however, is difficult to achieve. A response of science policy to the increasing dominance of teamwork should be (1) implementation of changes in the remuneration system for researchers, which should evolve from individual-oriented rewarding to team-oriented rewarding, as well as (2) implementation of changes in the evaluation system, which should be aimed towards team evaluation.


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How to Cite

Wachowska, M. (2014). Excessive Accumulation of Knowledge as a Challenge to Science Policy. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 9(3), 29-40. https://doi.org/10.12775/EQUIL.2014.016

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