Directions of changes in the functioning of economic instruments for environmental policy in Poland


  • Michał Ptak Wroclaw University of Economics



environmental policy, economic instruments for environmental policy, environmental taxes and charges, emission trading system


Environmental policy instruments allow to incorporate the problem of using the natural resources into the decision-making process of individual agents. One of the most efficient instruments for environmental protection are economic instruments, the indirect methods of influence on agents? behavior. The aim of the article is to present the state of the Polish system of economic instruments in the light of other European countries? experiences (especially European Union countries) and perspectives in the use of economic instruments for environmental policy during the coming years. The study is based on the literature review, reports ordered by the Polish Ministry of Environment and publications published by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Environment Agency (EEA). The analysis suggests that economic instruments are widely used in Polish environmental policy. The main economic instruments in this policy are environmental charges and fines. Some of these charges and fines have been used in Polish environmental for several dozen years. Revenues from these instruments are earmarked for environmental expenditures. There are also some new, interesting economic instruments in Polish environmental policy, such as: deposit-refund systems, tradable energy certificates and emissions trading scheme. There are some opportunities for expanding the use of economic instruments for environmental policy in Poland. For example, there could be increased use of some environmental charges or taxes, and the environmental insurance. Poland could also implement an environmental tax reform.


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Economics of Environment

How to Cite

Ptak, M. (2010). Directions of changes in the functioning of economic instruments for environmental policy in Poland. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 5(2), 129-140.

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