The role of the European Union Support in implantation the provisions of the National Environmental Policy in years 2004-2006


  • Bartosz Bartniczak Wroclaw University of Economics



state environmental policy, the Cohesion Fund, structural funds, expenditure on environmental protection


Environmental protection is one of the major challenges of the modern world. Different situation can we observe in Poland. Document which sets out the aims and objectives to achieve in this area is the National Environmental Policy. The article presents what the main goals of this policy are and shows the sources of its funding. A detailed analysis of the financing of environmental policy with the aid of the European Union was carried out. Studies have shown too little spending on environmental protection so that they can be fully realized records of the National Environmental Policy.


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Economics of Environment

How to Cite

Bartniczak, B. (2010). The role of the European Union Support in implantation the provisions of the National Environmental Policy in years 2004-2006. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 5(2), 141-151.

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