Granting State Aid in the Context of Sustainable Development Principles


  • Bartosz Bartniczak Wroclaw University of Economics



state aid, sustainable development principles


Implementation of the concept of sustainable development requires the use of a variety of instruments. These instruments may be legal or financial. One of the financial instruments to support sustainable development might be state aid. However, not all aid is beneficial from the point of view of sustainable development. Therefore, an important task is to identify the types of aid that have a positive impact on sustainable development, and on the other hand to show aid which is harmful from the point of sustainable development view. The purpose of this article is to group the principles of sustainable development, in the context of individual order creating sustainable development. The article will also specify the objectives to be achieved by providing different types of support. Then an attempt will be made to answer the question how different types of aid contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Bartniczak, B. (2014). Granting State Aid in the Context of Sustainable Development Principles. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 9(2), 41-54.

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