Innovation in contemporary economies
innovation, knowledge, market economies, the stateAbstract
The hereby article discusses the issues related to the existing or required support given by the State to enterprises in order to provide them conditions to innovate. Neoclassical economy puts an emphasis to the price mechanism as a decision making effective tool, but enterprises meet many barriers in creating and introducing innovation, like high cost, high risk or lack of demand for innovation. These phenomena tend to inhibit innovation of enterprises. This means that market is not an efficient mechanism for innovation activity of enterprises, and its imperfections provoke the State?s intervention. The goal of the article is to shape the objectives of State?s impact on decisions of innovative enterprises. Research method is the critical literature review and public data on State?s support on business R&D analysis. The research results show State?s support for both ? incremental and radical innovation, which proves that innovative activity of enterprises is far from being a spontaneous, market-based process.
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