Social capital as a key driver of productivity growth of the economy: across-countries comparison


  • Elżbieta Jantoń-Drozdowska Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  • Maria Majewska Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań



welfare, social capital, knowledge economy


The aim of this work was to show the possible impact of social capital on productivity of the economy. That impact can be measured by such indicators of productivity of the economy as used in our study: the GDP, the total value added of the economy (TVE), and the GNI per total labour force. Thus, this paper was organized as follows: its first part presents the relationship between the development of social capital and productivity growth of the country in the light of the economic development theory. In this context, it is pointed out that the significance of social capital as a component of the productivity potential of a given country increases when such country moves to the next stages of economic development. Therefore, social capital becomes a very important driver of the upgrading of national incomes in those countries, in which competitive advantages are based primarily on intellectual capital assets. The another part of the paper describes the methodology and the results of a research conducted on a group of 100 countries in the years 2012-2013 with an aim to illustrate the link between social capital and productivity of the economy as a whole referred to, or indicated, in the first part of the study. The results of the research allowed us to formulate a conclusion that without an appropriate ethical behaviour, not only in business, the productivity growth is hampered because it translates into a lower level of trust and unwillingness to cooperate. In other words, as, among others, W. Bartoszewski stressed, "it is worth to be decent".


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Institutional determinants of macroeconomic effectiveness

How to Cite

Jantoń-Drozdowska, E., & Majewska, M. (2015). Social capital as a key driver of productivity growth of the economy: across-countries comparison. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 10(4), 61-83.

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