Technological parks and the innovation activity of enterprises in the industrial networks ? developed vs. intermediate regions


  • Jadwiga Gorączkowska University of Zielona Góra



innovation, industry, technological parks, network


Currently, technological parks constitute the most organisational and conceptually developed type of innovation centres and entrepreneurship. This results in the fact that they can be encountered in all highly developed countries in the world. They are also formed in the catching-up countries. However, one should consider whether the stimulation of innovation in the countries, which are not based on knowledge through institutional solutions used in the developed countries will turn out to be effective. Because between these countries there is a technological gap. The aim of the article was therefore to determine, using the probit modelling, the direction and strength of technological parks on the innovation activity. The study covered two provinces: Silesian, which is one of the most developed regions in Poland and Pomeranian with the intermediate industrial system. The influence of technological parks on innovation was determined based on the survey conducted in 1453 industrial enterprises. The main conclusions are brought down to the following theses: (1) using the technological parks increases the chance for the implementation of new solutions by enterprises, (2) parks to a greater extent stimulate the innovation activity in the developed province, (3) enterprises entering in the cross-regional network relations favours the selection of the technological park as the catalyst for innovation processes.


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Growth based on innovations

How to Cite

Gorączkowska, J. (2015). Technological parks and the innovation activity of enterprises in the industrial networks ? developed vs. intermediate regions. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 10(2), 137-156.

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